Posted by : Unknown Thursday, July 21, 2011

When I was studying at my fifth grade, several of us were chosen to undergo this literacy program specifically with reading. No, it's not that we were not doing well at class, but we needed improvement specially in our English comprehension. Most of us were Asians in the said program. I guess the said program aided me a lot molding me to the person I am now in the forte of comprehension but this will not be about the over-all program but one story that I have read during the sessions there. I forgot about the book title but remembered the story well.

The plot was all about these group of men and women in doing a certain book or research of sort at a university that was also due in the next month to come. In each day that came, each member from the respective groups gave their part of the research. With the group of men, they did a lot of work as each day came but quarreled often with certain flaws of the submitted works from their members leading to a handful of revisions. On the other hand with the ladies, alike with the first, there were also flaws in the research but the only difference is that they took the time to always attend such criticisms with a suggestion on how to improve their work. With the deadline approaching, the group of women's research was already ready for presentation whilst the men's where still under heavy revisions. When the deadline came, the work of the ladies were submitted and was honored as part of the university research program and the one done by the group of gentlemen, I guess you know what happened.

I guess you know what I want to point out? In my years of being a student, I have always encountered people who would talk non-stop of the flaws they see in certain things and when I ask them of possible solutions, they would pause for a moment and change the topic while majority would not post a certain suggestion after it which really is infuriating. You can give a paragraph of criticism but cannot elaborate a sentence worth of suggestion?

Now, here's my suggestion: be constructive in your criticisms. To wrap this up, let me quote a few words related to Abraham Lincoln:
“If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it.”

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